Alex Mavrovic

PhD Candidate

  • 2018, M.Sc. (Remote Sensing), University of Sherbrooke - Sherbrooke, Quebec
  • 2016, B.Sc. (Physics), University of Sherbrooke - Sherbrooke, Quebec

Alex Mavrovic (he/him) holds a Bachelor’s degree in physics and a Master’s degree in remote sensing of northern environments from Université de Sherbrooke (director: Alain Royer), during which he studied the different northern components of the radiometric signal received by satellites: vegetation, soil and snow (Mavrovic et al. 2018, 2020a et 2020b). Those researches brought him to join and organize several campaigns in the Arctic, the boreal forest and avalanche environments (Canadian Rockies and Chic-Chocs mountains). Alex has begun a PhD under the direction of Professor Alexandre Roy at Université de Québec à Trois Rivières (UQTR). His research project aims to improve the Canadian ecosystemic CLASSIC model, developed by Environment Canada, for conditions found on the Arctic tundra. The objective is to improve estimates of snow cover, soil temperature and carbon fluxes during the winter season for monitoring climate change in the remote, vast and hard-to-reach areas of the Canadian Arctic. This project is undertaken with the collaboration of Juha Lemmetyinen (codirector) from the Finnish Meterological institute (Helsinki, Finland), Professor Oliver Sonnentag (codirector) from the Université de Montréal, as well as Joe Melton and Paul Bartlett from Environment Canada.

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