For our research, the winter is a time to analyze all data gathered during the previous field season. In the last weeks, new data and new findings of our group have been presented at various conferences.
In the second week of December, Oliver and Jessica attended the Arctic Change Conference in Ottawa. This conference conspires to bring together international researchers, students, policy and decision makers, representatives of government and non-government organizations, the private sector, northern stakeholders and media to address the global challenges and opportunities arising from climate change and modernization in the circum-Arctic.
Two weeks later Oliver, Manuel and Jessica went to San Francisco to attend the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (AGU). With over 20000 attendees, this conference is the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world. Especially for young scientists this conference is ideal for networking, sharing ideas and meeting other researchers. Jessica presented her preliminary results on dissolved organic carbon exports at the Scotty Creek watershed and Oliver and Manuel had poster presentations about the implications of permafrost degradation and treeline movements on the energy exchanges between northern ecosystems and the atmosphere. Manuel was awarded with an Outstanding Student Paper Award for his presentation in the Atmospheric Sciences section “Improved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatio-temporal Variation of its Component”.
Photo: Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco (Photo: Manuel Helbig)